Thank you for your interest in InfoGenie™ 2! This is a fully featured demo with only one restriction: You can’t have a datafile with more than 30 records. All other functions are available.
The full version of InfoGenie™ 2 includes instructions on how to script InfoGenie™ 2, Visioneer Paperport support, and a host of other sample datafiles. Please see below for ordering instructions.
For assistance in using InfoGenie™ 2, please check InfoGenie™ 2’s extensive online help (available under the Guide Menu) and balloon help.
Notes for InfoGenie™ 2 Demo:
•Do not log into a shared volume as a "guest" and try to make changes or print labels unles the guest user has "Make Changes" privileges. Instead, create a user that has read-write privileges. Log in as that user and you should have no problems.
•If you use CopyPaste™ by Peter Hoerster, it may sometimes make Copy and Paste menu functions available when they are not appropriate. If Copy and Paste functions do not seem to be working properly in InfoGenie™ 2, try turning off CopyPaste and seeing if the menu functions are still available. Since CopyPaste overrides InfoGenie™ 2's menu functions, there is no way InfoGenie can handle such conflicts.
Major Changes between InfoGenie 1.0.x and 2.0:
What's New in IG 2.0
• Tools Menu - The most noticeable change is that the Special menu has become the Tools menu. Some of the individual Special menu functions have been placed under new Modify and Navigate sub-menus. In addition, Go To Record Number has been moved from the Edit menu to the Navigate sub-menu.
• Clone Current Window - One new function that has been added to the Tools menu is Clone Current Window. This opens another copy of the current datafile in a read-only window, with "Clone - " prepended to the name. There is no entry for this in the Datafiles menu, and no changes can be saved (although Save As... does work). It is intended to let you view near-duplicate records in the same datafile, and to drag and drop data from one record of the clone into a different record of the original datafile. This can be particularly useful after sorting.
• The New Menu Item - There is now a single New item under the Edit menu. Selecting this brings up a dialog in which you may specify that the new datafile is to be either freeform or field-based.
• Expanded Find and Replace Function - You can now search through multiple datafiles to find your data. In addition to case-sensitive searches, you can now perform whole-word searches and limit searches to a particular field of a field-based datafile. Most of the new manual chapter on this feature is included in a separate section below.
• Unlimited Open Datafiles - As a result of the new Find and Replace function, there is no longer a 16-datafile limit for open datafiles. Of course, there is still the practical limit of how much memory you have available on your system.
• AppleScript Support - AppleScript can be used to automate some repetitive data manipulation chores. It can also be used to make InfoGenie work with other scriptable applications. There is also an InfoGenie™ 2 AppleScript Folder which contains a ReadMe file, documentation, and sample scripts.
• Comma-delimited Import and Export - This has been added for those users who require comma-delimited files for their mail merge software. We still recommend the use of tab-delimited files whenever you have the option.
• Field Names in the First Field - When exporting datafiles as comma-delimited or tab-delimited files, you now have the option of adding a first field that contains the field names. This can be very useful when importing those files into some other application.
When importing comma-delimited or tab-delimited files into InfoGenie, if the first field contains field names, you may now specify that in the import dialog and InfoGenie will use those field names for your new datafile. The record containing the field names will not be imported.
When importing a tab- or comma-delimited file as a new datafile, if field names are not contained in the first record, the dialog that comes up to permit the field names to be changed from numbers to real names now shows field data from the new datafile. Previous Record and Next Record buttons are also available for moving through the records, in case some records have empty fields.
• New Modify Fields Dialog - The Modify Fields dialog is no longer movable. Instead, it now shows field data from the datafile. Previous Record and Next Record buttons are also available for moving through the records, in case some records have empty fields. This makes it easier to judge the effects of various modifications.
The interface for dragging fields to new positions is also clearer now. A heavy line shows where the field will go when the mouse button is released.
• Prepend E-mail - When importing an E-mail text file into an existing datafile, you may now choose the Prepend option, which will place the new records at the beginning of the datafile, rather than at the end. This is useful for QuickMail, or for Snap Mail when viewed with the latest messages at the bottom. Both of these result in text files with messages that run from latest to earliest. Prepending keeps all the messages in the datafile in (reverse) date order.
• Label/Envelope Design - Three changes have been made to the Label Design and Envelope Design windows.
A graphic in the clipboard will be available when you go into the Design window. Before, you had to copy the graphic while the Design window was open.
Copying a single graphic field also places the graphic into the clipboard, so that it can be put into the Scrapbook for use elsewhere.
When closing the Design window after making changes, the Save Changes dialog now gives you the additional option of creating a new template based on those changes.
• Moving from Datafile to Datafile - In Basic View, command-` now moves the user from datafile window to datafile window, if more than one datafile is open.
• Closing All Open Datafiles - Clicking the close box of any datafile while holding down the option key will close all open datafile windows. Save Changes dialogs come up where appropriate, and clicking Cancel in one of these cancels all pending closures.
• Printing Field-based Datafiles - Field-based datafiles can now be printed as continuous documents, as freeform datafiles always could be.
• Dialing with PCMCIA Card Modems - The routine for dialing via internal modem has been generalized to deal with the variety of new internal modems.